There are a few things that almost every author can agree upon. Which is saying quite a bit because there are hundreds of things that we disagree about. What is it? Well, it’s the fact that effective book marketing is both hard to find and quite frequently very expensive. We decided to put together a list of sites that might be worth considering and it’s our hope that at least one of them will be new to you.
There are many other great services out there that can help you market your books. We wanted to focus on those that are very cost effective with this post. That is why we didn’t include some more expensive options like OpenRoadMedia, OnlineBookClub, BookBub, and others that are either hard to get listed in or very expensive. If you have great services that you would recommend please contact us through our contact form and let us know. We would love to share that with our author community. At the end of the day anything that makes our authors more successful, makes us successful. Our job is to connect our authors to each other and to thousands of readers. However we can do that, we will.