One thing is for sure and that is for authors to be successful with their book, simply writing a good book isn't enough. The modern author needs more than just a compelling narrative to succeed; they need an author platform. But what is an author platform, and why is it so crucial? Let's dive in.
What is an Author Platform?
An author platform is the sum of all the tools and mediums an author uses to connect with their audience and promote their work. It encompasses everything from social media profiles and websites to email lists and personal branding. In essence, it's the author's public persona and their ability to sell books based on their reach and influence.
Why Every Author Needs an Author Platform:
How to Build Your Author Platform:
Building an author platform is no longer optional; it's a necessity. In a saturated market, it's your platform that will set you apart, ensuring your voice is heard and your books are read. The good news is you have already found eBookFairs and we have a sure fire way to build or add to your author platform with our online book fairs. The average author will receive at least 100 email addresses with every fair that they submit their book to. That’s a great way to start quickly building your audience and reach. If you aren’t using our book fairs right now, hopefully this article will help you understand why you should join our community.