We don’t know about you, but it is becoming harder and harder for us to tell whether or not content we are reading was written by a human or by some large language model (also known as AI). We decided to research to see if there are some signals that can help us assess the text we are reading. The following tips and tools are the result. These can help all of us determine if AI generated the text we are reading.
Here are 7 of the best ways to tell if text was generated by AI:
If you are trying to specifically tell if ChatGPT generated the text you are reading, there are a few specific things you can look for. First, ChatGPT is more likely to use the passive voice than human writers. Second, ChatGPT is more likely to use generic pronouns, such as "it" and "they." Third, ChatGPT is more likely to avoid contractions, such as "can't" and "won't." Finally, ChatGPT is more likely to repeat certain words or phrases, and to use unusual sentence structure.
If you see any of these patterns in the text you are reading, it is a good indication that ChatGPT may have generated it. However, it is important to remember that these are just general patterns, and there are always exceptions. The best way to tell if text was generated by AI is to use a combination of these tips and your own judgment.
If you really want to know and you can’t tell from the tips above, here are some tools that you can run the text through to see if they can detect AI:
In the end, you may or may not care whether AI generated the text you are reading. It just depends on what you are trying to get out of the text. It may also be important if you are a teacher or someone else that might be reviewing text for a living. No matter what brought you to this article, we hope that some of these tips will help you get to the bottom of that nagging question. Wait, what was the question again? Just testing you again to make sure you are paying attention. AI, is also not likely to do that. Thanks for reading and happy AI detecting!